the king of the world
this is my webpage for my mission to travel the world.
my ideal mods for my ride
to be or not to
much fun
such adventure
think of all those fun times ahead
you cant go traveling without a loyal companion
...or a model for your instagram
basically i need better profile pictures
but to be a nomad you need to test & plan
expedition happiness
21st century Chris Mccandless
lessons from Chris
• food
two options= hunting/ vegetarianism
• loneliness
yup, definitely need to enjoy killing stuff
and make sure you don't eat anything that will kill you
• stay busy
use time to create content based on my specific experiences
who knows who you'll inspire
(you're welcome Christopher Walken)
• don't walk in anyone else's footsteps
just don't
• hygiene
Why Do People Keep Trying to
Visit the ‘Into the Wild’ Bus?